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Apparently the best stools are like the best men: they're sleek and sturdy and they warm up when you sit on them.
See more of my Stools I Have Loved list at ThisNext.
Sun Valley '08 hotness. Nothing like a little conspicuous consumption and remote travel and overpriced lift tickets to ring in the new year. And global economic dissolution. Sorry friends from GM and Lehman Brothers and Yahoo! (That's their exclamation point, not mine... an exclamation point would be so gauche in these trying times. Not our style. We ski for peace.)
Club soda, I guess this is goodbye. It's not you, it's me. I'll be frank, I've found a completeness in the companionship of a Swede, Camitz Sparkling Vodka, and this budding romance has rendered my personal feelings for you rather, well, flat.
I'm willing to share custody of Ice, you can have weekdays but I want to chill out with her on weekends and holidays.
A Japanese grater, nécessaire when concocting flora-infused cocktails where fiber must be separated from juice (ginger, lemon grass and the like).
(Via Tortoise, Venice and, you know, Japan.)
It's the mullet of scooters: business (cargo) up front, party in the back. (via Fast3r)
Little black fun box! Fun little black box! Black fun little box! Small enough and cheap enough to throw in work-bag or handbag for documenting adventures saving villages and the like.
When the camera sometimes stays home because it's really a nice piece of equipment and an evildoer might crush it or slosh a cocktail on it or something else dastardly and when the video camera gathers dust because it's awkward to bust up everyone's fun with a Sofia Coppola moment , the fearless and friendly Flip saves the day.
Beach-y, beard-y, Dennis Wilson's Pacific Ocean Blue: far out, creates urge to bust out groovy rainbow tube-top jumpsuit and and twirl in the sand with hands swaying overhead, would make one wish for opportunity to be his sixth wife... except later-Dennis looks a little like crazy Uncle Alan. Only skinnier. Creepy.
Dig some time-warp fun:
Eat your coeur out, Baudelaire.
... he also began to enjoy Los Angeles, especially the aspects not associated with show business: the Pacific Ocean, the weather, the cuisine that came from the broad ethnic mix, the flora he studied on the streets of Santa Monica, the thousands of beautiful women who weren't very democratic in their affections. He could finally understand how such literary people as Thomas Mann, Aldous Huxley, and Christopher Isherwood loved the place. It was the strong but not very deep hint of the Mediterranean. It was a set for a movie too large and confusing to get made.
Itchin' for some Witchin'? Crack off some mail-order magic with and And here you thought you needed special powers, witchy woman. And the moon in your eyes.
You are the champion. Of the world. On your bike.
This mess bag falls in the "if you have to ask" category. Either you know the five stripes on white and your heart races a bit when encountering it and a little voice in your head screams "Allez! Allez!" or the whole thing is lost on you.